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This confidentiality agreement was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine No. 2297 dated 01.06.2010. "On the protection of personal data" and other normative acts of Ukrainian legislation governing legal relations related to the collection, processing, storage of personal data, as well as the right of citizens to privacy and the right to self-expression.


Private entrepreneur Bocharov Nikita Andreevich, taking care of the development of relationships with clients and users of our website, realizing the importance of ensuring the protection of your personal data, in order to resolve possible contradictions and misunderstandings, has prepared this Confidentiality Agreement (confidentiality policy), hereinafter referred to as "Confidentiality Policy ", And the terms of use of the website

Please read this page carefully as the information contained therein is important to you as a user of the website and all its services.

Please note that, according to the terms of the Privacy Policy, when you visit the resources of this web portal, you confirm your agreement with the rules and requirements of the Privacy Policy and the terms of use of the website. If you disagree with the requirements of the Privacy Policy and the terms of use of the website, you must leave this website and refrain from visiting it in the future.

Attention! The user does not have the right to post information, use the website if he does not agree with the Privacy Policy, or if he has not reached the age established by law when he has the right to enter into agreements, or is limited in his rights under the law, or is not an authorized person of the company , on whose behalf the information is posted.

The storage of your personal data will be carried out by the sole proprietor Bocharov Nikita Andreevich, at the address: Odessa, Manezhnaya st., 281, apt. 41.

This Privacy Policy is valid from March 01, 2020 and will be updated as necessary and / or due to changes in current legislation.


We draw your attention to the fact that your rights as a subject of personal data are provided for by Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine No. 2297 dated 01.06.2010. "On the protection of personal data":

"Article 8. Rights of the subject of personal data:

1. Personal non-property rights to personal data that each individual has are inalienable and inviolable.

2. The subject of personal data has the right:

  • know about the location of the personal data base, which contains his personal data, its purpose and name, location, and / or place of residence (stay) of the owner or manager of personal data or give an appropriate order to receive this information to persons authorized by him, except in cases established by law;
  • receive information about the conditions for providing access to personal data, in particular information about third parties to whom his personal data is transferred; to access your personal data;
  • receive, no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except for cases provided for by law, an answer about whether his personal data is stored in the relevant personal data base, and also receive the content of his personal data that are stored;
  • present a reasoned demand to the owner of personal data with denial against the processing of their personal data;
  • present a reasoned demand regarding the change or destruction of their personal data by any owner and manager of personal data, if these data are processed illegally or are unreliable;
  • to protect their personal data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage, due to deliberate concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision of them, as well as to protect against the provision of information that is inaccurate or disgraces the honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual;
  • to lodge complaints about the processing of your personal data with state authorities and officials whose powers are to ensure the protection of personal data, or to the court;
  • apply remedies in case of violation of legislation on the protection of personal data;
  • to make a warning regarding the restriction of the right to process your personal data when giving consent;
  • withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;
  • know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;
  • to be protected from an automated solution that has legal implications for it.

3. The disposal of the personal data of an individual who is limited in civil legal capacity or recognized as incompetent is carried out by her legal representative."



Private entrepreneur Bocharov Nikita Andreevich provides access to your information:

  • - To independent third parties who provide us with various services, including business analysis, customer relations, marketing, providing surveys or lotteries, and preventing fraud. We may also allow third parties to collect information for our purposes, such as running the Website or sending relevant advertisements. Third parties have access to and can collect only information necessary for the provision of the service and at the same time have no right to use it for any other purpose.
  • - Business partners with whom we jointly provide products and services. You can always determine which third parties provide this or that product or service, since their names will always be indicated next to ours. If you decide to use these additional services, we can provide our partners with access to your information, including personal data. Please remember that we do not control the protection of your information by such business partners.
  • - Referring websites. If you access the Website via a link from another website, we may provide that website with access to your registration information, such as your name, postal address, email address, telephone number, hairdressing training preferences ... The referring website has full access to your information, therefore we recommend that you read the privacy policy of the respective website before navigating from this website to any other website.
  • - Social networks. From our Website, you can access a number of social networks (eg Facebook). By going to these websites, you provide them with your personal data, and the protection of such information will be carried out in accordance with the policies of these websites. You can also change your privacy settings on these websites.
  • - Companies within the group. We may provide your personal data and other information to companies belonging to the maramax group. Sharing data allows us to provide you with information about products and services that may interest you. When using the information, the parent companies and affiliated companies follow the current Privacy Policy.

We can also provide access to information:

  • - By subpoena, court order or other court order; to assert and exercise our rights; to defend against legal claims; and also in other cases, if required by law. However, we reserve the right to raise any objection or exercise any right granted to us by law, or refuse it.
  • - In cases where it is necessary to obtain information, prevent and take measures regarding illegal or suspected illegal actions; to protect your rights, property or safety.
  • - In connection with corporate transactions, such as a divestiture, merger, sale of assets or, in the unlikely event, bankruptcy.

We may also provide general or anonymous information to third parties, including advertisers and investors. For example, we may tell our advertisers the number of visitors to the Website. This information does not contain any personal data and is used to develop the Website.



One of the purposes of creating and operating our website is to inform you about who we are, educate you and sell hairdressing products. We collect and use personal data (including name, city of your residence, phone number, email, etc.) to better provide you with the services and information you need.

Therefore, we can use your personal data to:

  • - to answer your questions and requests;
  • - to process your orders and requests for information provision.
  • - regulate or otherwise fulfill your obligations in connection with any agreement that you have entered into with us;
  • - prevent and solve problems related to any goods and services that we provide to you;
  • - create products or services that meet your needs;
  • - promptly respond to your possible complaints related to the shortcomings of the services provided to you.
  • - to optimize our services, we may use your personal data in the course of direct marketing (including providing information about goods and services that may be of interest to you in the future by sending SMS and e-mails, a phone call);

Except as set forth in this privacy policy, we will not disclose any of your personal information, unless we are required to do so by law (for example, if required during a legal process, or in order to prevent fraud or other crime), or if we believe that such action is necessary to protect and / or safeguard our rights, property or personal safety, and likewise in relation to our users / customers and others.

Rest assured that we will not use your information for any purpose if you indicate that you do not want us to use your information in the way that information is provided, or at a later date.


We value your personal information, therefore we provide an adequate level of its protection. Therefore, we have implemented technologies designed to protect your sensitive data from unauthorized access and misuse, and we will update these measures accordingly as new technologies become available.


Our site may contain links to other sites, or you can follow a link to our site from another site. As you can imagine, we cannot be held responsible for the privacy policies and practices on other sites.

Such content is subject to the applicable terms of use as well as any additional rules and privacy information provided in connection with your use of the third party site.

We recommend that you review the policies of each site you visit in order to better understand your rights and responsibilities, especially when you provide any type of content on those sites. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact the owner or operator of such a site.


We use cookies to operate the site. With their help, it is possible to identify the browser of users who visit our portal again, in these files it is possible to save user settings and other information. For the convenience of using our website, we use the remarketing function. This feature also uses cookies.

You can configure your browser to reject all cookies or notify you when they are sent.

With the help of Google Analytics, we collect statistics about visits to the portal, such as pages visited, number of page views, domains, Internet service providers and countries of origin of our visitors, as well as the addresses of sites visited before and after the portal, etc. However, none of these actions are personally related to you and are measured only in aggregate.

Web beacons are invisible files that are found on the sites you visit. In the event that you visit a page of the site containing a web beacon, it accesses your computer in order to determine whether you have visited this page before or whether you have seen a certain advertisement before. Web beacons do not record your email address or any other personal information.

Using this information helps us make the site as convenient and useful for you as possible, maintain, protect and develop the services of our site.


According to the terms of the Privacy Policy, when using the website, you must adhere to the following rules:

- do not use the website in an inappropriate manner. In particular, do not try to influence or interfere with its work or access information other than through a standard interface;
- use the website only in accordance with the norms of Ukrainian legislation;
If you violate this Privacy Policy, or if we reasonably suspect you of doing so, we may suspend or completely close your access to the website.

Private entrepreneur Bocharov Nikita Andreevich may revise this Privacy Policy and update it at any time. You are under an obligation to these changes and should visit this page from time to time to review the current Privacy Policy.


Private entrepreneur Bocharov Nikita Andreevich takes measures to ensure that the information on this site is accurate. However, we do not accept responsibility and do not guarantee that the information and data provided are accurate, objective and current at the time of viewing.

This website as a whole, and its individual elements such as (including but not limited to) design elements, copyright photographs, articles, program code, databases are protected by the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights", International regulatory legal acts , and other acts of legislation of Ukraine. Any other use other than revision, non-commercial use is prohibited. Copying of information from the site can be carried out only for non-commercial purposes for posting on user pages, blogs, social networks with a link to the source, except for the video!

It is forbidden to distribute, modify, transfer, use or reuse any information from this site for any public or commercial purpose without the written permission of the FLP Nikita Andreevich Bocharov. You must adhere to all copyright and other ownership requirements for downloaded and / or copied material. The copied information must contain a link to this site as a source.

We are not responsible for any direct and indirect losses incurred in connection with the payment of penalties, or any losses and expenses incurred as a result of a legal transaction, information about the object of which was posted on this website.

In fact, your use of the portal is at your own risk.

To the extent that the law allows, neither the sole proprietor Bocharov Nikita Andreevich, nor any other party that is involved in the creation, production or maintenance of the site, is not responsible for direct, indirect or accidental damage that was ever caused, and that was caused that you have accessed, used or relied on this site, even if we have warned you about the possibility of such damage and loss.

Individual entrepreneur Bocharov Nikita Andreevich in any case will not be involved in any of the parties directly, indirectly, intentionally, or unintentionally causing damages for any use of this website, or on any other interconnected website, including, without limitation, any loss of income, goodwill , loss of programs or other data in your information processing system, even if we were promptly informed of the possibility of such losses.

By using the website, you are not granted intellectual property rights to the website itself, or to its content, or to the use of any branding elements or logos on our website.

I agree with the Privacy Policy and terms of use of the website, as well as the transfer and processing of my data. I confirm that I am of legal age and that I do not have any acts limiting my legal capacity.