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Variety of hair extensions techniques. Hot hair extension

You no longer want a short hairstyle but have no time to grow out your hair. Well, here are techniques that allow you to change the length quickly and effectively. Hairdressing courses give a lot of knowledge about hair extension. This is quite a popular procedure and many girls come to this technology to change their style.

Hair extensions and their types

Many people think that the procedure was introduced not long ago but it wasn't. Stylists say that the first attempts to apply the technology were performed back in ancient Egypt. The attachment of strands was imperfect, for example, using strings or other materials. Then came wigs, including natural wigs. They did not go out of fashion for a long time, including for men. In the Middle Ages, false hair was a sign of status. The current technology appeared in the 1960s. Fixation was done at a small distance from the root. This was done with glue or keratin. After that, many more techniques and other methods of fixation appeared.

The main types of hair extensions

In the world of fashion and beauty, two types of this service are considered: cold and hot.

Cold hair extension

Cold technology is very similar to the first developments and provides that the native and newly added strands are mixed somewhere within a centimeter from the root. The attachment is done with polymer glue. Like any procedure, the extensions require correction.

There are several subtypes of this technique:

  1. Spanish. The master himself forms the capsule and sets its size and shape. The decision is made depending on the structure of the hair of the client. The fixation element is not affected by temperature, water, including seawater. The impact of styling products is also minimized. The number of new strands starts from 100 pieces.
  2. Ribbon. Curls are applied in the form of ribbons with a width of 4 cm or more. The number can reach 80 pieces. It is made quickly enough. Fastening is made with a small layer of glue.

There are also the Japanese and the African-American types. Their application and correction, are more complicated and therefore used less often.

Hot hair extension

Hot technology involves the usage of keratin capsules. This is safer because keratin is also present in the native strands. Hairdressers divide the technique into three subspecies:

  • English;
  • Italian;
  • micro.

Thermo tongs or thermopistol are used to attach the strands during the procedure.

The process of hair extensions

Basically, the process itself is not complicated. It mainly requires the master's attention and accuracy. The idea is to perform the attachment of the extended strands to the natural ones. The most important thing is to match the shade correctly and as accurately as possible. By tone, the "new" strands should not practically differ. The next task is to divide the head into several zones. It is important to pick up the volume so that the extensions look harmonious. Despite the difference in technology, the result is the same. If the client wants to change her look, you can take strands of a different shade to get a transformation, as after melting or toning.

What kind of hair is better to take for hair extensions

It's all about quality here. Therefore, what kind of hair to use, everyone decides, based on their financial situation. You need to understand that the price of the service includes materials for the strands. If it is cheap, then the curls will look worse after a while. They will lose elasticity and shine.

Hair extensions - pros and cons

Any procedure has its own advantages and disadvantages. List of advantages:

  • cost;
  • beautiful volume;
  • getting a quick effect;
  • with the help of extended strands you can correct a bad hairstyle;
  • changing the appearance;
  • facial shape correction.

The disadvantages are mainly due to the technology of application. Hot methods damage the native hair. Therefore, the correction process should allow you to pause and give your head a little rest. In addition, when the hair grows back, the tips can become visible. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the hair.