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Types of hair dyes. What is the best paint to dye your hair with

Hair dye is a familiar means for us to change our image. There are certain rules according to which the coloring is done. You can get more knowledge in my online courses, including the different types of dyes and how to make the right choice. This procedure is best to be done in a salon. Stylists will help to professionally select the shade, not only following the desire of the client but according to the type of face and skin.

Types of hair dyes

Manufacturers offer a variety of different dye classifications. But the main division is made into:

  • professional;
  • household.

Professional includes several types of components: active and protective substances. To the first belong ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, and others. Protective ones have a positive effect on the structure of the hair, prevent breakage and reduce the negative effects.

Salons often buy dyes directly from suppliers, so clients can be sure of the quality of the products. The advantage of professional products is a wide range of palettes. In addition, using such dyes gives a beautiful volume.

Household dyes contain everything you need in the package at once:

  • dye;
  • oxidant;
  • gloves;
  • balm.

Unfortunately, they have a bad effect on the locks and after coloring, they lose their appearance quite soon. With household subspecies you can get the desired result, the main thing is to make the right choice of tone.

Classification of hair dyes by resistance

According to the resistance, dyes are grouped between ammonia and non-ammonia dyes. In addition, there are four subgroups:

  • bleaching, which makes the strands three to seven shades brighter;
  • with oxidant, they have high resistance and are not washed out;
  • ammonia-free with a toning effect, used for temporary coloring, can be washed away after 20 head washes;
  • tinting shampoos, make the color more intense and bright.

The last category of products is also represented by sprays and toners. With them, it is easy to apply color to the roots for a while.

Classification by effect

Dyeing should not only change the shade but also not cause problems to the structure of the hair. There is a classification of dyes by this principle:

  • resistant - contains a large amount of oxidant, suitable for gray hair or strong bleaching;
  • ammonia-free - suitable for those who often change their hair, including shades, it is a gentle type, it has little peroxide and it almost does not dry out the head;
  • toning - they have no effect on the strands because they do not enter deep inside and do not destroy the structure, it is used as a temporary, quickly washed off;
  • hypoallergenic - it has no such element as paraphenylenediamine, but it is still recommended to test for allergenicity;
  • natural - including henna and basma, they can perfectly cover gray hair and create different shades.

The organic components have at the same time a healing effect. They are characterized by the absence of odor. They can be used to restore the structure.

How to choose a hair dye

First of all, you need to understand for what purposes you need the dye. For a temporary change of shade, you can use tinting shampoos and toners. To color gray hair, you need to take ammonia products. The stronger the chemical composition, the longer the color will last. When choosing, pay attention to the product package. There is a shade marking written on the package. To understand how the selected color will look on the hair, look at the correlation table in the palette or on the box.

Classification by the effect on the hair

Mostly consider professional, therapeutic and cosmetic effects. But whichever dye you use, you should definitely pay attention to the care after coloring.

Use and offer customers only specialized products for colored hair.